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A New Mom’s Guide to Postpartum Recovery

Motherhood is always a fresh experience, whether you are a first-time mom or on your fourth journey. Each birth brings with it new joys and challenges. While you soak in all the baby snuggles that you have waited for in the past nine months, the marathon of postpartum recovery you didn’t train for awaits. 

new mom

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The postpartum phase is a time of healing your body, mind, and even emotions. It does take some getting used to. However, this journey is not always easy. Some days, you will struggle to feel confident. Many new moms struggle with postpartum recovery and even postpartum depression. Fortunately, here’s a survival guide of tried-and-true tips to help you navigate this journey with grace and a lot of self-love.

  1. Permit Yourself to Heal

Whether you had a vaginal birth or a C-section, your body needs time to recover. Don’t expect to bounce back and lose all the post-baby fat overnight. You will feel sore and tender in many places, with stitches that threaten to rip if you do so much as sneeze. However, prioritizing rest as much as you can, delegating tasks, and being gentle with yourself is your ticket to quick recovery.

  1. Hydration Is Essential

Pregnancy thirst is not over yet. You will need to keep your water levels up, especially if you are breastfeeding. Water charges your body, helping it heal. It prevents constipation, supports milk production, and keeps headaches at bay.

  1. Acknowledge the Birth Trauma

As mentioned earlier, each birth is a unique experience. Some come with unforeseen complications. It’s not uncommon for new mothers to have birth trauma. If you feel overwhelmed or traumatized by your experience, you can talk to your friends, a few experts, or join a support group to process your emotions. Healing emotionally is as important as healing your body.

  1. The Emotional Whirlwind Is Normal

Speaking of emotions, you will go through a lot of them. If you are not weeping over spilled milk, you may be laughing uncontrollably over nothing. Those are hormones at work. Baby blues are common in the first few weeks and you should feel no shame reaching out for help.

  1. Postpartum Bleeding Is No Joke

Lochia (postpartum bleeding) is the silent part of new motherhood, but it is part of the recovery process. Mesh undies and extra-absorbent pads are going to be regular items on your shopping list. However, lochia does not last forever. For most people, lochia lasts for about six weeks. Some do report traces for up to eight weeks. If you pass large clots or soak through a pad in an hour though, you should check in with your doctor.

  1. Pelvic Floor Health Matters

As a new mother, certain movements or actions like sneezing, laughing, and urinating don’t bring you relief. This is because the pregnancy journey weakens the muscles that control them. However, with pelvic floor exercises like Kegels, you can help strengthen those muscles. Just get the right-fitting activewear for new mothers and get to squeezing.

  1. Nourish Your Body

Your postpartum diet choice should not be driven only by the zeal to lose baby fat fast. Your focus should be to nourish your body with nutrient-rich foods. Lean beef, salmon, legumes, leafy greens, eggs, and brown rice are a few of the kinds of food you need. Healthy fats, protein- and fiber-rich foods help for quick recovery and meet your calorie needs, especially if you are breastfeeding.


Make peace with the reality that you won’t feel ‘normal’ right away. Patience is a cornerstone when it comes to the postpartum journey. You may sometimes feel like your efforts toward recovery are futile, but give yourself grace and celebrate your small wins.


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